
发布日期:2024-09-26 06:07来源:浏览次数:

本文摘要:Brands are familiar, but often expensive. A new online retailer thinks it can offer shoppers big savings by ditching branded goods altogether.品牌产品为顾客熟悉,但往往价格也很便宜。

Brands are familiar, but often expensive. A new online retailer thinks it can offer shoppers big savings by ditching branded goods altogether.品牌产品为顾客熟悉,但往往价格也很便宜。一家全新的在线零售商指出,他们可以通过舍弃牌子货而为顾客节省大笔支出。Brandless launched last month with a promise to sell only brand-free products for just $3 an item.上个月营业的Brandless允诺,只销售每一件3美元(约合人民币20元)的“违例”产品。

Its product range includes kitchen knives, olive oil, toilet cleaner and facial moisturizer. The items come in simple packaging with a white label containing key product information.Brandless的产品范围还包括厨房刀具、橄榄油、马桶清洁剂和面部保温五品等。这些产品包装只有非常简单的白色标签,上面包括了产品关键信息。

American serial entrepreneur Tina Sharkey developed Brandless with co-founder Ido Leffler, raising about $50 million from investors before the website launched.早已多次创业的美国企业家蒂娜?夏基与伊多?莱夫纳取得了大约5000万美元投资,牵头创立了这家网站。Sharkey says they created Brandless to help shoppers avoid the hidden costs of buying a big brand. They even trademarked the term BrandTax to describe those costs.夏基称之为,他们正式成立Brandless网站是为了协助顾客省却出售大品牌的隐性成本。他们甚至建构了“品牌税”这个术语来形容该笔费用。Brandless sources all its products from independent manufacturers and sends them directly to distribution centers. It focuses on natural and organic items at affordable prices.Brandless从独立国家厂家进购所有产品,然后必要发货到配送中心。

该网站主营价格低廉的天然有机产品。It says it can pass on the savings it makes by not having any brick-and-mortar stores.Brandless称之为,他们可以将进实体店的钱省下来惠及给顾客。Brandless shipped to 48 US states in the first week of operation, said Sharkey.夏基回应,Brandless营业第一周即向美国48个州发货。

Sharkey estimates consumers will save an average of 40% when buying Brandless products compared to top household brands of a similar quality.据她估算,与知名品牌比起,消费者在Brandless出售同品质的产品平均值将节省40%的钱。The unbranded concept has been tried before by Japanese retailer MUJI. The name is derived from the term Mujirushi Ryohin, which translates as no brand, quality goods.日本零售商无印良品早已尝试过“去品牌”的概念,其名字就源于日文“Mujirushi Ryohin”,意思是“无品牌的优质产品”。MUJI is now a popular brand in its own right.无印良品以其独有之处沦为一个甚广热门的品牌。

Whether or not Brandless becomes another big name, Sharkey insists the company is doing something different.无论Brandless否能沦为另外一个大品牌,夏基都否认他们做到的事有所不同。Brands still have this false narrative: cartoons and animated characters that represent them, or actors on television that are riding white horses on beaches, I mean, what is that? she said. People want the transparency of knowing who theyre doing business with.她说道:“品牌产品依然不存在这种欺诈叙述:用卡通形象代表产品,或者在电视上播出演员在海滩上骑白马的画面,我想要说道,那是什么?人们期望确切告诉卖给他们产品的是谁。

